We help vets work as well with people as they do with animals.
We focus on communication and cows, fuelled by coffee.

Launching a national campaign
In 2016, MacVet was contracted to deliver the BVDFree England scheme. This involved working with a really broad range of organisations within the dairy and beef cattle industries, including AHDB, farming groups and veterinary organisations. We developed the marketing strategy for the scheme's launch, then provided PR, created marketing materials and devised an innovative, engaging launch day activity using social media!
Roundtable discussion
For their Healthy Herd conference, UK-Vet wanted a panel of vets and farmers to discuss communication and its impact. MacVet established a panel of speakers and Fiona chaired the session. Panelists discussed the importance of communication between vets and farmers, whether this has changed over recent years and explored how ‘good’ and ‘bad’ communication can impact the vet-farmer relationship.
Talking about communication

We have been trained in and experience of using Motivational Interviewing, which helps vets to discuss change. Fiona has also researched nonverbal communication in dairy veterinary practice, an area not previously studied, so she is keen to share her learnings through presentations, written articles and webinars.
Design a congress programme? No problem!
MacVet was contracted by The Webinar Vet to design a one-day programme for farm animal vets and to secure sponsorship for the sessions. We were able to bring speakers from the forefront of their field, including world-renowned animal behaviourist Temple Grandin.